#about Hi! Welcome to Media Art—Photography at Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design (HfG).  This website displays the online conversation of the area's chat group in realtime. You might want to use the search bar to navigate.

#about Hi! Welcome to Media Art—Photography at Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design (HfG).  This website displays the online conversation of the area's chat group in realtime. You might want to use the search bar to navigate.

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Hi! Welcome to Photography department of the Karlsruhe University of Art and Design (HfG). This website mirrors the online conversation of a chat group in realtime. You might want to use the search bar to navigate.
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Is someone in the hfg randomly and can open Šimon and me the door we are standing in front of the big entrance :D


Also today at 2PM 16mm short films from the 16mm Seminar will be shown in Blauer Salon! Come and Join!

Omsk Social Club Game takes place in 103 today, not big studio!

Hi there! The workshop with Omsk social club is in 323!(next to ausleihe)


Next Friday! A day full of archival practices!


Spam: Falls jemand auf der Suche ist oder jemanden kennt: WG mit Garten, Terasse, möbliert und befristet!



Hey People, You are warmly invited to attend the colloquium *today at *18:10* in room 103. On this occasion, *Stina**Hellmann* will be presenting . We sincerely thank her for her willingness to share her insights, and we are very much looking forward to her presentation and the subsequent discussion. We hope to see you there and would love your participation! Best regards, Alejandra


Hey People, You are warmly invited to attend the colloquium this Wednesday at 5:30 PM in room 103. On this occasion, Stina Hellmann will be presenting . We sincerely thank her for her willingness to share her insights, and we are very much looking forward to her presentation and the subsequent discussion. We hope to see you there and would love your participation! Best regards, Alejandra

Today some students from Stuttgart will visit hfg and zkm, if you feel like joining a tour through the fellow traveler exhibition at zkm - please come 11:30am to infotheke/mint cafe 🛸

Today - TuesdaY 12 NOV - 14:00-16:30 - Special Guest Kathy Rae Huffman will join Manifestly Media - online! A visual overview of the development of networking practice, Huffman has examples to the question that is often asked, ‘How did we do this before the Internet?’ This presentation will answer some of your questions.


Weißt jemand vielleicht das Passwort vom Computer in Sound Lab? 🥹

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Susanne Kriemann

Hasselblad and the moon... exhibition at Hasselblad Foundation in Gothenburg, #2019. The camera who took those celebrated pictures showing the earthrise seen from the Moon‘s orbit before landing.  And Erna Hasselblad‘s bracelet. The this jewellery went to the moon, too.

Susanne Kriemann

Hasselblad and the moon... exhibition at Hasselblad Foundation in Gothenburg, #2019. The picture was taken on June 20, #1969 by #Michael_Collins, the pilot of the command module of Apollo 11. It shows the earthrise seen from the Moon‘s orbit before landing.

Susanne Kriemann

„Looking at pictures taken from the moon on planet earth“. Erna and Viktor #Hasselblad at their home on Råö, Onsala. The picture was taken by #Lennart_Nilsson who became the first recipient of the #Hasselblad-Award in 1980

Susanne Kriemann

Bára_Kristinsdóttir Ausstellung in der Hasselblad Stiftung in Göteborg... die Bilderreihe „It All Has A Story“ zeigt eine Auswahl sehr schöner Bilder, die die Geschichte der letzten zwei Angestellten einer kleinen Nylon-Fabrik außerhalb Reykjaviks zeigen. #archive #industriefotografie

Susanne Kriemann

Susanne Kriemann

Bára_Kristinsdóttir Ausstellung in der Hasselblad Stiftung in Göteborg... die Bilderreihe „It All Has A Story“ zeigt eine Auswahl sehr schöner Bilder, die die Geschichte der letzten zwei Angestellten einer kleinen Nylon-Fabrik außerhalb Reykjaviks zeigen. #archive #industriefotografie

Susanne Kriemann

Bára_Kristinsdóttir Ausstellung in der Hasselblad Stiftung in Göteborg... die Bilderreihe „It All Has A Story“ zeigt eine Auswahl sehr schöner Bilder, die die Geschichte der letzten zwei Angestellten einer kleinen Nylon-Fabrik außerhalb Reykjaviks zeigen. #archive #industriefotografie

Susanne Kriemann

Bára_Kristinsdóttir Ausstellung in der Hasselblad Stiftung in Göteborg... die Bilderreihe „It All Has A Story“ zeigt eine Auswahl sehr schöner Bilder, die die Geschichte der letzten zwei Angestellten einer kleinen Nylon-Fabrik außerhalb Reykjaviks zeigen. #archive #industriefotografie

Susanne Kriemann

Bára_Kristinsdóttir Ausstellung in der Hasselblad Stiftung in Göteborg... das Buch „Allt eitthvad sögulegd“ sammelt ein große Anzahl sehr schöner Bilder, die die Geschichte der letzten zwei Angestellten einer kleinen Nylon-Fabrik außerhalb Reykjaviks zeigen. #archive #industriefotografie

Isabelle Konrad

EYE- Filmmuseum Amsterdam 
Adam Broomberg & Oliver Chanarin
Dodo, 2014

Isabelle Konrad

EYE- Filmmuseum Amsterdam 
Adam Broomberg & Oliver Chanarin
Dodo, 2014

Isabelle Konrad

EYE- Filmmuseum Amsterdam 
Omer Fast
Continuity, 2012

Susanne Kriemann

Susanne Kriemann

Ohne Worte: Museums in Singapore, #VintageCameraMuseum

Susanne Kriemann

exhibition #minimalism @ #nationalgallerysingapore hier #TangDaWu Arbeiten ‘Untitled’ ‘These photographs document Tang Da Wu’s study of the changing environment of Singapore upon his return from London in #1979 ... Tang’s work reflects his intimate engagement with his materials, as well as his interest in how human actions and environmental processes leave their mark, especially within nature.’
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