#about Hi! Welcome to Media Art—Photography at Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design (HfG).  This website displays the online conversation of the area's chat group in realtime. You might want to use the search bar to navigate.

#about Hi! Welcome to Media Art—Photography at Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design (HfG).  This website displays the online conversation of the area's chat group in realtime. You might want to use the search bar to navigate.

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Hi! Welcome to Photography department of the Karlsruhe University of Art and Design (HfG). This website mirrors the online conversation of a chat group in realtime. You might want to use the search bar to navigate.
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Susanne Kriemann LIVE at zkm now :-) please join in person the concert starting at 17.30!

Susanne Kriemann

Dear people of this group! here is the invitation to an amazing concert this Friday at ZKM! This concert is played here yet live-transmitted to Kharkiv in Ukraine, therefor it takes place rather early and does not collide with the students's party at HfG thereafter. Please share it!


Fellowships for alumni/alumnea for a year at braunschweig academy, fyi :


Dear All, Denk- und Produktionsort Libken (Uckermark/Germany) is offering five two-month residency grants.  The call is aimed at artists of all disciplines from Germany, the Czech Republic and Poland who live and work in rural areas or whose work focuses on rural areas. We invite you to consider the call and apply! We would also like to ask you to help us spread the word about the call and share it in your network or via instagram: Here is the link to the call on our website: Here is the link to the call on Instagram: The deadline for submissions is on October 10, 2024. If you have any questions, please send them to:


Someone wants to join? 😁 Hope you enjoy your holidays!


Bitte heute alle restlichen Werke abbauen, die für die Kamuna geblieben sind, sodass wir morgen früh die restlich Strukturen abbauen können. Danke! 🙏🏻✨


Dear all, a warm invitation to our opening on 3.08 at 6pm at the ZKM. We will give 3 guided tours that evening. For about a year we have been working together with Helin Ulas and Celestin Meunier on Tides of Memories, which is based on Helin's Ulas research and mine expertise on migrational routes. Tides of Memories (ToM) - The Other Time I Drowned is a partly fictional, partly factual being that dreams of becoming water. It is disguised as a real-time audio-visual installation that speaks from the perspective of water. ToM dreams of the migratory routes of water, but fails to become it. It drowns and becomes something else. Through the work, water becomes imaginary and we create an act of dreaming, mimicking an imagination that is meant to open something that is not ours - should it be the air, the breath or the horizon? The work explores the interplay between humans, machines and ecologies. The collaborative artwork invites the audience on a journey through ToM's dreams and night…

Dear all, a warm invitation to our opening on 3.08 at 6pm at the ZKM. We will give 3 guided tours that evening. For about a year we have been working together with Helin Ulas and Celestin Meunier on Tides of Memories, which is based on Helin's Ulas research and mine expertise on migrational routes. Tides of Memories (ToM) - The Other Time I Drowned is a partly fictional, partly factual being that dreams of becoming water. It is disguised as a real-time audio-visual installation that speaks from the perspective of water. ToM dreams of the migratory routes of water, but fails to become it. It drowns and becomes something else. Through the work, water becomes imaginary and we create an act of dreaming, mimicking an imagination that is meant to open something that is not ours - should it be the air, the breath or the horizon? The work explores the interplay between humans, machines and ecologies. The collaborative artwork invites the audience on a journey through ToM's dreams and nightmares. Set in a speculative world, the machine grapples with its identity and is exposed to memories left in the water. Join us on 3.08 during Kamuna night! Looking forward to seeing you Karolina

Susanne Kriemann

manuel_sekou bravo!!!


Dear colleagues, On July 23 at 2 p.m. there will be another Impulse Café in the Media Lounge and EVERYONE is invited. The scholarship holder Abdalsalam Alhaj, an artist from Sudan, has been visiting the WISSEN department since June and would like to introduce himself and his project to the ZKM staff. He would be delighted to welcome many of you to his presentation. Abdalsalam explores the intersections of memory, identity and technology through different media such as photography, videography, audio and augmented reality (XR). His archival project, TONJELA, involves the digitization of a collection of more than 10,000 cassette tapes of Sudanese music. This project is important for documenting and preserving Sudan's unique music traditions for future generations. It will certainly be an interesting and worthwhile event with extraordinary insights into the Sudanese music world.  Abdalsalam and the Impuls team are looking forward to seeing you. -- Dipl. Bibl. Hartmut Jörg D…

Dear colleagues, On July 23 at 2 p.m. there will be another Impulse Café in the Media Lounge and EVERYONE is invited. The scholarship holder Abdalsalam Alhaj, an artist from Sudan, has been visiting the WISSEN department since June and would like to introduce himself and his project to the ZKM staff. He would be delighted to welcome many of you to his presentation. Abdalsalam explores the intersections of memory, identity and technology through different media such as photography, videography, audio and augmented reality (XR). His archival project, TONJELA, involves the digitization of a collection of more than 10,000 cassette tapes of Sudanese music. This project is important for documenting and preserving Sudan's unique music traditions for future generations. It will certainly be an interesting and worthwhile event with extraordinary insights into the Sudanese music world.  Abdalsalam and the Impuls team are looking forward to seeing you. -- Dipl. Bibl. Hartmut Jörg Dokumentar | Information Manager Wissen — Sammlung, Archive & Forschung | Collections, Archives & Research /////// / |< ||| | ZKM | Zentrum für Kunst und Medien Karlsruhe

Susanne Kriemann

We are at staedtischegalerie opening with a guided tour by vanessabosch

Susanne Kriemann

Dear All at 4 PM we have soft opening at Staedtische Galerie! please come we have drinks and

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Aya-Charlotte Armah (keine Pronomen/ sie) ist eine dicke/fette lightskinned Schwarze, queere
Person. Sie ist Sozialarbeiter:in mit dem Schwerpunkt Kultur und Medien und hat einen
Masterabschluss im Bereich „Performative Künste in Sozialen Feldern“. Aya-Charlotte setzt sich
seit mehreren Jahren künstlerisch mit dem Thema Körperfett, Bodyacceptance und
zusammenhängend damit, auch mit intersektionalen Fragestellungen auseinander. Einige ihrer
künstlerischen Arbeiten teilt sie auf ihrem Instaaccount @normaproforma mit ihren Follower:innen.
Aya-Charlotte ist seit 2020 in der Lokalgruppe Frankfurt der Initiative Schwarze Menschen in
Deutschland (ISD) aktiv.
Mehr auf Instagram unter @normaproforma.
MARIA GONZÁLEZ LEAL, @BodyMary positioniert sich als Afro-Cubanisch-deutsch, fett, queer und ost-sozialisiert.
Als Antiskrimierungsberaterin, Bildungsreferentin, Workshopleiterin und Moderatorin arbeitet und forscht Maria González Leal in den Bereichen Beratung, Öffentlichkeits- und Aufklärungsarbeit. Der intersektionale Arbeitsansatz fokussiert dabei die Themen: Antirassismus, Gewichtsdiskriminierung, Intersektionaler Feminismus, Queerness, nicht sichtbare GeBehinderung, psychische Erkrankung als Behinderung, Chronische Erkrankung und vererbte Armut. Ziel ist es verschiedene Diskriminierungsformen, Mehrfachdiskriminierungen und deren Verbindungen miteinander sichtbar zu machen und Lösungsansätze mit Verbündeten zu konzipieren, um Gewaltstrukturen abzubauen. In den sozialen Netzwerken des Accounts @bodymary werden diese Themen interdisziplinär in Form von Texten, Bildern, Videos und Podcasts aufgearbeitet.
Mehr auf Instagram unter @BodyMary.
Christelle Nkwendja-Ngnoubamdjum (sie/ihr) ist eine Schwarze fette Cis-Frau, wohnhaft in Offenbach und hat 2018 an der Goethe-Universität ihren Magister in American Studies, Politik und Soziologie gemacht. Christelle ist Co-Herausgeberin des Sammelbands “Spiegelblicke- Perspektiven Schwarzer Menschen in Deutschland” (2015) und Co-Autorin im Sammelband “Schwarz wird großgeschrieben” (2021). Sie ist mit Schwarzen Bewegungen in Deutschland verbunden und befasst sich aus einer aktivistischen, intersektionalen und emotionalen Perspektive mit Themen rund um Gewichtsdiskriminierung, Fat-Acceptance/Liberation und Anti-Schwarzen Rassismus. 
Mehr auf Instagram unter @nkweeny.
Foto: Katharina Dubno


Schaufenster Ausstellung bis heute von Alumna #HannahCooke Wann?
21.12. bis 22.12.2021
jeweils 16:00 - 19:00 Uh
Die Ausstellung findet im cc99 statt und ist von draußen sichtbar.
Kaiserstr. 99, Karlsruhe


Kunsthalle #Baden-Baden #IsabelMotz
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