#about Hi! Welcome to Media Art—Photography at Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design (HfG). This website displays the online conversation of the area's chat group in realtime. You might want to use the search bar to navigate.
#about Hi! Welcome to Media Art—Photography at Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design (HfG). This website displays the online conversation of the area's chat group in realtime. You might want to use the search bar to navigate.
Bitte heute alle restlichen Werke abbauen, die für die Kamuna geblieben sind, sodass wir morgen früh die restlich Strukturen abbauen können. Danke! 🙏🏻✨
Dear all, a warm invitation to our opening on 3.08 at 6pm at the ZKM. We will give 3 guided tours that evening. For about a year we have been working together with Helin Ulas and Celestin Meunier on Tides of Memories, which is based on Helin's Ulas research and mine expertise on migrational routes. Tides of Memories (ToM) - The Other Time I Drowned is a partly fictional, partly factual being that dreams of becoming water. It is disguised as a real-time audio-visual installation that speaks from the perspective of water. ToM dreams of the migratory routes of water, but fails to become it. It drowns and becomes something else. Through the work, water becomes imaginary and we create an act of dreaming, mimicking an imagination that is meant to open something that is not ours - should it be the air, the breath or the horizon? The work explores the interplay between humans, machines and ecologies. The collaborative artwork invites the audience on a journey through ToM's dreams and night…
Dear all, a warm invitation to our opening on 3.08 at 6pm at the ZKM. We will give 3 guided tours that evening. For about a year we have been working together with Helin Ulas and Celestin Meunier on Tides of Memories, which is based on Helin's Ulas research and mine expertise on migrational routes. Tides of Memories (ToM) - The Other Time I Drowned is a partly fictional, partly factual being that dreams of becoming water. It is disguised as a real-time audio-visual installation that speaks from the perspective of water. ToM dreams of the migratory routes of water, but fails to become it. It drowns and becomes something else. Through the work, water becomes imaginary and we create an act of dreaming, mimicking an imagination that is meant to open something that is not ours - should it be the air, the breath or the horizon? The work explores the interplay between humans, machines and ecologies. The collaborative artwork invites the audience on a journey through ToM's dreams and nightmares. Set in a speculative world, the machine grapples with its identity and is exposed to memories left in the water. Join us on 3.08 during Kamuna night! Looking forward to seeing you Karolina
Susanne Kriemann
manuel_sekou bravo!!!
Susanne Kriemann
Dear colleagues, On July 23 at 2 p.m. there will be another Impulse Café in the Media Lounge and EVERYONE is invited. The scholarship holder Abdalsalam Alhaj, an artist from Sudan, has been visiting the WISSEN department since June and would like to introduce himself and his project to the ZKM staff. He would be delighted to welcome many of you to his presentation. Abdalsalam explores the intersections of memory, identity and technology through different media such as photography, videography, audio and augmented reality (XR). His archival project, TONJELA, involves the digitization of a collection of more than 10,000 cassette tapes of Sudanese music. This project is important for documenting and preserving Sudan's unique music traditions for future generations. It will certainly be an interesting and worthwhile event with extraordinary insights into the Sudanese music world. Abdalsalam and the Impuls team are looking forward to seeing you. -- Dipl. Bibl. Hartmut Jörg D…
Dear colleagues, On July 23 at 2 p.m. there will be another Impulse Café in the Media Lounge and EVERYONE is invited. The scholarship holder Abdalsalam Alhaj, an artist from Sudan, has been visiting the WISSEN department since June and would like to introduce himself and his project to the ZKM staff. He would be delighted to welcome many of you to his presentation. Abdalsalam explores the intersections of memory, identity and technology through different media such as photography, videography, audio and augmented reality (XR). His archival project, TONJELA, involves the digitization of a collection of more than 10,000 cassette tapes of Sudanese music. This project is important for documenting and preserving Sudan's unique music traditions for future generations. It will certainly be an interesting and worthwhile event with extraordinary insights into the Sudanese music world. Abdalsalam and the Impuls team are looking forward to seeing you. -- Dipl. Bibl. Hartmut Jörg Dokumentar | Information Manager Wissen — Sammlung, Archive & Forschung | Collections, Archives & Research /////// / |< ||| | ZKM | Zentrum für Kunst und Medien Karlsruhe
Susanne Kriemann
We are at staedtischegalerie opening with a guided tour by vanessabosch
Susanne Kriemann
Dear All at 4 PM we have soft opening at Staedtische Galerie! please come we have drinks and
Susanne Kriemann
Susanne Kriemann
Dear All at 4 PM we have soft opening at Staedtische Galerie! please come we have drinks and
Hey everyone, Due to some illness-related cancellations, we are looking for 2 people who can present their work at the colloquium on Wednesday. Otherwise, I will unfortunately have to cancel it. Thank you 🙏
Wie schön! Wäre gerne dabei, aber bin leider nicht in Berlin. Herzliche Grüße, Natalia
if anybody would like to tune in! we are now live!
Netta Weiser Radio-Choreography: Acts of Transmission Badischer Kunstverein, Waldstraße 3, 76133 Karlsruhe badischer-kunstverein.de Fr, 5.7. 18–19 Uhr Performance in der Installation 20 Uhr Radiophonic Lecture Performance von Netta Weiser Sa, 6.7. 11:30–13:30 Uhr Performance in der Installation 17–18:30 Uhr Vorträge von Vanessa Paloma Elbaz und Shira Eviatar 19 Uhr Le Cadeau Film-Screening und Gespräch mit Myriam Van Imschoot So, 7.7. 11–12:30 Uhr Brunch und Performance in der Installation 15:30–16:30 Uhr Radiosendung über Segnungen im Kunstverein und live auf Querfunk Freies Radio Karlsruhe mit Anissa Rouas, Vanessa Paloma Elbaz und Shira Eviatar Mo, 8.7. 17–19 Uhr Choreographies of Listening WORKSHOP in Kooperation mit der HfG Karlsruhe @ Badischer Kunstverein Freitag, 19.7.2024 20 Uhr c0da comptoir Zoom-Gespräch 0rphan Drift & Ido Radon, mit Stanton Taylor Samstag, 20.7.2024 18:30 Uhr c0da comptoir Vorträge & Gespräche Rebekka Wilkens, Hanne Loreck, Karolin Meunier, Eske…
Netta Weiser Radio-Choreography: Acts of Transmission Badischer Kunstverein, Waldstraße 3, 76133 Karlsruhe badischer-kunstverein.de Fr, 5.7. 18–19 Uhr Performance in der Installation 20 Uhr Radiophonic Lecture Performance von Netta Weiser Sa, 6.7. 11:30–13:30 Uhr Performance in der Installation 17–18:30 Uhr Vorträge von Vanessa Paloma Elbaz und Shira Eviatar 19 Uhr Le Cadeau Film-Screening und Gespräch mit Myriam Van Imschoot So, 7.7. 11–12:30 Uhr Brunch und Performance in der Installation 15:30–16:30 Uhr Radiosendung über Segnungen im Kunstverein und live auf Querfunk Freies Radio Karlsruhe mit Anissa Rouas, Vanessa Paloma Elbaz und Shira Eviatar Mo, 8.7. 17–19 Uhr Choreographies of Listening WORKSHOP in Kooperation mit der HfG Karlsruhe @ Badischer Kunstverein Freitag, 19.7.2024 20 Uhr c0da comptoir Zoom-Gespräch 0rphan Drift & Ido Radon, mit Stanton Taylor Samstag, 20.7.2024 18:30 Uhr c0da comptoir Vorträge & Gespräche Rebekka Wilkens, Hanne Loreck, Karolin Meunier, Eske Schlüters
All of you are warmly invited to join us this evening at the Badischer Kunstverein - and follow the program!
Susanne Kriemann
Susanne Kriemann
Susanne Kriemann
Susanne Kriemann
Susanne Kriemann
Susanne Kriemann
Susanne Kriemann
Susanne Kriemann
Susanne Kriemann
Susanne Kriemann
Susanne Kriemann