#about Hi! Welcome to Media Art—Photography at Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design (HfG). This website displays the online conversation of the area's chat group in realtime. You might want to use the search bar to navigate.
#about Hi! Welcome to Media Art—Photography at Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design (HfG). This website displays the online conversation of the area's chat group in realtime. You might want to use the search bar to navigate.
Dear All, i have an exciting news from MK FOTO! Please register to excursion in frame of seminars Counter Surveillance & Colonial Gaze by our new Vertretungprof.Adam Broomberg 23-28.10.2023 We will start the seminars with picking olives with Baha Hilo, the director of The Citadel in Bethlehem. We will spend a day with Baha picking olives and then we will also visit the Al Badawi tree which is between 4,500-5,000 years old that is close to Bethlehem. We will attend a screening at Dar Jacir hosted by Emily Jacir and Nicolas Jaar. We will also visit Issa Amro who lives in Hebron (H2) and visit his trees which are over 2000 years old. We will discuss the idea of counter-surveillance there. Since Hebron is the most surveilled territory on the planet we will talk about a project we started (as Artist + Allies x Hebron), which sought to invent a counter-surveillance gaze. The gaze of a surveillance camera is a malevolent one. It seeks to control, to humiliate and to intrude on ones priv…
Dear All, i have an exciting news from MK FOTO! Please register to excursion in frame of seminars Counter Surveillance & Colonial Gaze by our new Vertretungprof.Adam Broomberg 23-28.10.2023 We will start the seminars with picking olives with Baha Hilo, the director of The Citadel in Bethlehem. We will spend a day with Baha picking olives and then we will also visit the Al Badawi tree which is between 4,500-5,000 years old that is close to Bethlehem. We will attend a screening at Dar Jacir hosted by Emily Jacir and Nicolas Jaar. We will also visit Issa Amro who lives in Hebron (H2) and visit his trees which are over 2000 years old. We will discuss the idea of counter-surveillance there. Since Hebron is the most surveilled territory on the planet we will talk about a project we started (as Artist + Allies x Hebron), which sought to invent a counter-surveillance gaze. The gaze of a surveillance camera is a malevolent one. It seeks to control, to humiliate and to intrude on ones privacy. This together with AI apps like Blue Wolf, which the IDF and Settlers use to scan every Palestinian, who is using their mobile phone, which means they are constantly monitored and surveilled. We came up with the idea of building small cameras using rasberry pi'es, which will be placed in various olive groves, and that stream the trees in real time to various intstutions and websites so people around the world can help protect them. The olive tree is of such economic, social, juridical and totemic importnace to the Palestinain people that they are called "anchors in the Landscape" by the Israeli Authorities. And they are uprooted or they are burned down at every opportunity. 1 million of these ‚live‘ ancient indigenous citizens archives have been burned down since 1967 by illegal Jewish settlers or by Israeli authorirites. Meanwhile 240 million non-indigenous pine trees have been planted in Palestine by the Jewish National Fund since 1948. Zvi Efrat, former head of Bezalel Architecture school showed in his PhD thesis that the forests that were planted in an effort to ''make the desert bloom" were systematically planted on the sites of the 500+ Arab villages that were forcibly evacuated during the Nakba of 1948. This is a trick that the Ziomist learned from the Poles and the Germans. Pine forests grow fast and they turn forensic crime scenes into places that look like they've been there since the jurassic periods in no time. Rubble become ancient stones from the Bible. To reinforce this, the forests were all called names like "The Martyrs Forest" or "The Forest of the Six Million" turning the crime scenes into memorial spaces where families gather with picnics to honour the martyrs of the Holocaust and furhter entrench the narrative of the need for the state of Israel to exist to preserve the Jewish people.
𓎸 Lu 𓎹
Da Isabel Motz und Jonathan Blaschke drauf sind, vielleicht denen?
Vor dem z 1 liegen negative. Weis jemand wem sie gehören?
Hey, Haben wir aus der Sony alpha reihe Fotokameras an der HfG? Wenn ja wir leihe ich die aus? :)) LG Jakob
A place and another place installed camera , spot us : https://a-place-in-the-woods.net/
Who needs certificates or had expanses for Rundgang please bring it to Mk office to Milena, I can sign all your documents untill Wednesday 26.7. 🐝
Ihr seid herzlich eingeladen, morgen vorbeizukommen bei der Drink Performance um 14:45 auf der Wiese vor der HfG, die wir mit zwei indonesischen Künstlern machen werden! Im Zusammenhang vom Hallenbau Festival mit der HfG & dem ZKM werden thematischen Drinks zeremoniell verteilt, wird’s Picnic zusammen gegessen, mit der musikalischen Unterstützung von DJs. Es gibt eine limited edition von nur 80 Drinks, also lieber pünktlich auftauchen ;)
Congrats to Rundgang everyone 🍏 Please dont forget to document your work. I ll do some general shots for documentation tommorow before noon. If You ll have questions find me around. See You!
! Please note that the last lecture by Prof Dr Susanne Holschbach will be available online next week ! cancelled TODAY Vorlesung: Mit der Fotografie die Kunst durchkreuzen TODAY cancelled Digitale Kulturen und analoge Materialitäten When? available online next week Where? find the lecture in the depths of your BBB
Susanne Kriemann
Please join today’s lecture by Prof. Dr. Susanne Holschbach ! TODAY Vorlesung: Mit der Fotografie die Kunst durchkreuzen TODAY Arbeiten mit dem fotografischen Bildrepertoire, Teil 2: Arwed Messmer, Peggy Buth, Luise Schröder When? Today from 6pm - 7:30pm and every Tuesday after Where? Online https://bbb.hfg-karlsruhe.de/b/nis-2k7-kny-e5b
! Please join today’s lecture by Prof. Dr. Susanne Holschbach ! TODAY Vorlesung: Mit der Fotografie die Kunst durchkreuzen TODAY when? today from 6pm - 7:30pm and every tuesday after where? online https://bbb.hfg-karlsruhe.de/b/nis-2k7-kny-e5b Thema: Arbeiten mit dem fotografischen Bildrepertoire
dear all, liebe alle, Grab the chance! A unique opportunity to visit Frankfurt with Prof. Dr. Susanne Holschbach is coming soon. We also visit Susa Templin in Susa's studio! Please register if you would like to come along! For those interested, please email sholschbach@hfg-karlsruhe.de 07.07 Excursion to Frankfurt/Main Exhibtion Erde. Verwobenes Leben Visit to the exhibition hall of the art foundation DZ-Bank, which holds an international collection of contemporary art with a photographic focus. We will have a curator talk there and see the current thematic exhibition from the collection (Earth. Interwoven Life). We will meet at 12:00pm in the exhibition hall of the Kunststiftung DZ-Bank, Platz der Republik, 60325 Frankfurt (only 5 minutes from the main railway station). Visit to Susa Templin's studio We visit Susa Templin in her studio and get an insight into her recent work. Afterwards we will see her analogue photographs "Gartenstraße" in the Städel Museum in the new collec…
dear all, liebe alle, Grab the chance! A unique opportunity to visit Frankfurt with Prof. Dr. Susanne Holschbach is coming soon. We also visit Susa Templin in Susa's studio! Please register if you would like to come along! For those interested, please email sholschbach@hfg-karlsruhe.de 07.07 Excursion to Frankfurt/Main Exhibtion Erde. Verwobenes Leben Visit to the exhibition hall of the art foundation DZ-Bank, which holds an international collection of contemporary art with a photographic focus. We will have a curator talk there and see the current thematic exhibition from the collection (Earth. Interwoven Life). We will meet at 12:00pm in the exhibition hall of the Kunststiftung DZ-Bank, Platz der Republik, 60325 Frankfurt (only 5 minutes from the main railway station). Visit to Susa Templin's studio We visit Susa Templin in her studio and get an insight into her recent work. Afterwards we will see her analogue photographs "Gartenstraße" in the Städel Museum in the new collection room with Gerhard Richter and Günther Uecker. We will meet at Gartenstraße 47, 60596 Frankfurt/Main at 2:30pm, where we will also have lunch! Afterwards we will go to the Städel Museum, Dürerstraße 10, 60596 Frankfurt/Main at 3:30pm. Exhibition MARTHA ROSLER. IN ONE WAY OR ANOTHER Visit to the retrospective of the US-American conceptual artist, critical documentary photographer, photo theorist and feminist Martha Rosler at the Schirn Kunsthalle. We will meet at 5pm at the Schirn Kunsthalle, Römerberg, 60311 Frankfurt/Main.
Liebe Studierende, Leider ist die RA4 Farbmachine von Autopan im Farblabor Defekt und hat einen Kurzschluss. Ob ein Antrieb oder eine Pumpe oder ein Kabelbruch ist können wir noch nicht sagen. Der Motorschutzschalter löst aus und schaltet die Maschine intern ab. Ich hoffe das ein Techniker am Mittwoch das Problem erkennt und die Maschine inst. Ich möchte mich bei den Studierenden bedanken die mir beim Putzen und reinigen der Maschine geholfen haben. Ich hatte gehofft das wir beim Reinigen der Maschine das Problem finden können. Wir arbeiten mit Hochdruck an einer Lösung. Sobald die Maschine wieder funktioniert Melde ich mich bei euch. Viele Grüße Eisenhart Keimeyer ---------------------- Dear Students, Unfortunately, Autopan's RA4 color machine in the color laboratory is defective and has a short circuit. We can't say yet whether it's a drive or a pump or a broken cable. The motor protection switch trips and switches the machine off internally. I hope that a technician will r…
Liebe Studierende, Leider ist die RA4 Farbmachine von Autopan im Farblabor Defekt und hat einen Kurzschluss. Ob ein Antrieb oder eine Pumpe oder ein Kabelbruch ist können wir noch nicht sagen. Der Motorschutzschalter löst aus und schaltet die Maschine intern ab. Ich hoffe das ein Techniker am Mittwoch das Problem erkennt und die Maschine inst. Ich möchte mich bei den Studierenden bedanken die mir beim Putzen und reinigen der Maschine geholfen haben. Ich hatte gehofft das wir beim Reinigen der Maschine das Problem finden können. Wir arbeiten mit Hochdruck an einer Lösung. Sobald die Maschine wieder funktioniert Melde ich mich bei euch. Viele Grüße Eisenhart Keimeyer ---------------------- Dear Students, Unfortunately, Autopan's RA4 color machine in the color laboratory is defective and has a short circuit. We can't say yet whether it's a drive or a pump or a broken cable. The motor protection switch trips and switches the machine off internally. I hope that a technician will recognize the problem on Wednesday and the machine inst. I would like to thank the students who helped me clean and clean the machine. I was hoping that when we cleaned the machine we could find the problem. We are working flat out on a solution. As soon as the machine works again I'll get in touch with you. Best regards Eisenhart Keimeyer